Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Congress Must Act to Stop Noncitizens from Voting

Many in the corporate media and the political establishment have assured Americans that they need not worry because non-citizens voting, or even registering to vote in federal elections is already illegal – and indeed, this is the case. But this prohibition has been effectively neutralized by caveats and special carve-outs in dozens of states’ laws which create ample opportunity to violate federal election law.

One of the biggest glaring weak points in U.S. election law is the voter registration process itself. Under the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, every state must use a common voter registration form which only asks applicants to check a box stating that they are an American citizen.

In other words, states must take someone’s word for it that they are eligible to vote in federal elections – effectively eliminating all structural barriers to non-citizens registering to vote.

Making matters worse, 14 states, including the swing states of Nevada and Pennsylvania, don’t even require any sort of identification to cast a ballot. This is also the case in populous states like California and New York, which in 2022 determined control of the U.S. House of Representatives.


Well-Known Member
Trump said he would stop the Chinese EV's long before he met oil executives.
Remember he said the if it wasn't stopped it would be a bloodbath for American companies.
I can believe trump old the oil people that he would stop the EV's and Government payouts for this climate change crap and that they should give his campaign a Billion dollars to help him, but I don't see Trump telling them to pay up or he wouldn't help them.

This sounds like Wapo and Hillary Dildo making up their own words for what Trump said.


PREMO Member

College Graduates SHOCKED After Finding Out Their College Degree Is WORTHLESS In Biden's Economy!​



PREMO Member

Senator Tim Scott – Liberal Media Ignores Biden’s Association With KKK Member Robert Byrd: ‘They’re Not Playing That on CNN’ (VIDEO)

Senator Tim Scott recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and called out the liberal media for ignoring Joe Biden’s relationship with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who at one point in his life was a member of the KKK.

Scott and Sean brought up other examples of Biden’s racism, such as his ‘Jungle’ comments about school bussing and the fact that even Kamala Harris criticized him for that before she was chosen to be his running mate.

Tim Scott then goes on to talk about why Biden’s coalition is falling apart.


PREMO Member

President Biden is speaking in Atlanta today where he'll attempt to set a new pandering record as his numbers among just about every demographic continue to sink:

A team of Morehouse Men, led by U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock, were on hand Saturday afternoon at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to greet President Joe Biden ahead of his highly anticipated commencement address at the all-male HBCU.
Biden’s Sunday morning commencement address will be the highlight of a long weekend in Atlanta for the president, who is using the trip to address and shore up Black voters and to raise money.

We'll make this a "compare and contrast" story. Let's start with the streets of Atlanta (and the scene inside a Chick-fil-A) when Donald Trump was there:



PREMO Member

We all know Joe Biden is not well. It's painfully obvious because it takes five jump cuts to make a 14-second video. He routinely goes Ron Burgundy with the teleprompter. So we have to wonder how the debates are going to go, even with the Biden campaign's laundry list of demands.

Enter Jeff Tiedrich, who we've talked about before, because he's a special kind of lefty troll.

He's got a fantasy about how the debates are going to go and, hoo boy, it's a work of fiction you have to see to believe:




PREMO Member

That graphic shows that frozen vegetables have increased in price by nearly 30 percent; that electricity has increased by 28.5 percent; that public transportation is 26.1 percent more expensive; and that a basic kitchen commodity such as butter is up in price by more than 26 percent. The overall toll taken by such price increases on the macro economy would be difficult to quantify.

Inflation is the measure of price increases of goods and services in an economy on an annual basis. The Consumer Price Index, a figure published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that measures inflation, was 3.4 percent as of April 2024 from April 2023. That CPI measurement indicates that the same goods and services are priced 3.4 percent more expensively than they were a year ago. The Federal Reserve has consistently stated that its goal for inflation is 2 percent. There have been 39 CPI figures published, on a monthly basis, since President Biden assumed office. Of those 39, 7 were 8 percent or higher; 12 (a full year) were 7 percent or higher; 17 were 6 percent or higher; 21 were 5 percent or higher; 26 were 4 percent or higher; and only two of those recordings, the first two months Biden was in office, were below 3 percent.

There truly are not enough negative adjectives in a dictionary to describe the high inflation that has occurred since President Joe Biden took office, and the problem of it has persisted because of failed economic policies. Democrats, who have wielded most legislative ability in the federal government over the past three years, have not attempted to apply working solutions to remedy what is an economic disaster.



PREMO Member

Wisconsin Judge Stops Elections Commission From ‘Fomenting Election Fraud’

The litigation is the latest in a long line of complaints against a dysfunctional elections commission and its embattled administrator, an agency that has had trouble following Wisconsin election law over its tumultuous existence. WEC’s latest controversial decision could prove costly to voters and taxpayers alike.

Judge James Morrison issued the temporary restraining order, enjoining WEC from requiring that Wisconsin’s approximately 1,900 local election clerks use suspect absentee ballot envelopes while the court deliberates on the merits of the complaint.

The lawsuit was brought on behalf of a Wisconsin voter by Attorneys Kevin Scott and Daniel Eastman.

The complaint alleges that in approving new ballot envelopes recommended by WEC staff, the commission violated Wisconsin election law. If used, the envelopes “would cause voters to falsely certify that the ballot envelope itself is an original or a copy of the ballot request generated through MyVote when it is not in any way.”