Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Biden administration accused of using the GOVERNMENT to try and grab votes in a key swing state

House Republicans have subpoenaed multiple officials from the Small Business Administration to identify more about their involvement in an alleged scheme to improperly register voters in an effort to boost Biden.

The House Small Business Committee Chair Roger Williams, R-Texas, sent subpoenas on Tuesday to Tyler Robinson, the special advisor to the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Arthur Plews, chief of staff to the SBA.

'These actions were necessary because of the agency’s refusal to comply with the Committee’s ongoing investigation into potential electioneering activities by the SBA regarding the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) they have entered with Michigan’s Secretary of State to register voters,' a release announcing the subpoenas stated.

The committee has been investigating how the SBA is involved in voter registration efforts following a March 2021 executive order by Biden aimed at increasing access to voting.

It is the first time in history that the body has subpoenaed members at the SBA, according to the committee.


PREMO Member

The former president was impeached and given a trial in the Senate in early 2020 based on the idea that he had held up an aid package to Ukraine in an attempt to benefit politically (in this case, investigating Biden family corruption in the country). There is no tangible difference between that and what Biden is doing with this aid to Israel. Congress appropriated the money, and it is being held up by the president to benefit him politically.

So when do the articles of impeachment get drawn up?



PREMO Member
81 million vote recipient Joe Biden spoke to a few dozen ‘supporters’ in Racine before taking off to Chicago for a private, closed-door fundraiser.

Biden trashed Trump as he mumbled through remarks in a small venue full of hostages ‘supporters’ (the room was full of mainly media, staffers and Secret Service).

Joe Biden told the handful of supporters that Trump won’t accept the results of the [stolen] election. “He won’t, he won’t,” Biden said.

At one point Joe Biden creeped on a woman. He just can’t help himself.

The Wisconsin woman recoiled as Joe Biden invaded her personal space and shouted in her face.

“Guess what? Now Delaware is blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. Oh, you think I’m kidding — I’m not!” Biden said.

This is why Biden’s handlers don’t want him on the campaign trail. He can’t draw a crowd and he always creeps on women and children.




Well-Known Member
I have no idea who will be running as the Democrats candidate for President.
If they run Joe Biden it will mean the democrats are stupid enough to vote for the brain dead.
By that time he may be brain dead, he isn't far from it now.

There is no way this man will live for 4 more years. He will die a natural death before that time.


Well-Known Member
CNN is the lucky media company that gets to start Biden's eventual ouster from the Presidential race. I believe this has been planned all along and will culminate with his forced withdrawal (health reasons..haha) prior to the D convention.


PREMO Member
CNN is the lucky media company that gets to start Biden's eventual ouster from the Presidential race. I believe this has been planned all along and will culminate with his forced withdrawal (health reasons..haha) prior to the D convention.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea who will be running as the Democrats candidate for President.
If they run Joe Biden it will mean the democrats are stupid enough to vote for the brain dead.
By that time he may be brain dead, he isn't far from it now.

There is no way this man will live for 4 more years. He will die a natural death before that time.

I bet Trump dies first.

He eats nothing but MCdonalds and has never exercised once. He weights almost 300lbs and abuses adderall and drinks diet coke all day.


PREMO Member
That’s all, folks. Any foreigner who registers and votes is violating 18 US 911.

There are more laws. 18 USC 1015(f), passed in 1996 to bolster the ability to prosecute foreigners who vote, makes it a felony to make any false claim related to citizenship. It goes beyond federal elections and reaches into state, local and referenda elections. It relies on congressional power over nationality rather than the Elections Clause, which is something worth noting as a tool.

Now, let’s turn to the monster sighting that Tucker hosted.

It was claimed that a loophole exists that allows aliens to vote. The source of this purported loophole is 18 USC 611(c)(3). It states that 611 does not apply if “the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.”

In other words, if the alien recently went to his naturalization ceremony or had credible reasons to believe he was a citizen, he has a defense.

Law schools teach that this is an “affirmative defense.” For starters, this affirmative defense only applies to a prosecution under 611, not the other statutes I’ve cataloged. More importantly, the defendant bears the burden of an affirmative defense, and to raise it, he will have to waive Fifth Amendment rights and take the stand. That subjects him to withering cross-examination by some of the best attorneys in the business—Justice Department lawyers in U.S. Attorney offices (as compared to Main Justice).

I am not aware of a single defendant successfully using this affirmative defense, but am happy to stand corrected.
