The New Doctor Who is.....


Lawful neutral
New 'Doctor Who': It's Peter Capaldi

And the sonic screwdriver goes to Peter Capaldi.

The Scottish actor was named the new star of the British sci-fi franchise Doctor Who on Sunday during a live broadcast on BBC America. He will replace the departing Matt Smith, whose time in the time-traveling police box the TARDIS ends later this year.


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Homer J

Power Chord
You should give it another try. I started when Christopher Eccleston became the Doctor and have been hooked ever since.

:yay: DVR is your friend.

Netflix or Hulu Plus. You really should give it a chance. I spent several hours with Eccleston this weekend. He was Fantastic!

Even the classic Who from Peter Davison on were great stories. Unfortunately, there are not alot of those episodes around any more.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Netflix or Hulu Plus. You really should give it a chance. I spent several hours with Eccleston this weekend. He was Fantastic!

Even the classic Who from Peter Davison on were great stories. Unfortunately, there are not alot of those episodes around any more.
I may catch a couple episodes this week. :yay:

Homer J

Power Chord
Wirelessly posted

If you want to watch one that will really pull you in, check out an episode that originally aired in 2007 called "Blink". One of the best episodes since the series was revived in 2005.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
David Tennant is temporarily back for the 60th Anniversary as the 14th Doctor. Then Ncuti Gatwa takes over as the 15th Doctor. Russell T Davies is also back... at least for the Tennant tenure.