Surgery Day


Throwing the deuces
Today is the day I have been dreading for two months. Boone and Gracie are getting spayed/neutered. I know they are big and strong enough to do fine but in my heart, I see two little babies. Especially Gracie because she is so much smaller than Boone and her surgery is a lot bigger.

I felt like a bad Mom for hiding their food at midnight although I knew I had to ( and they didn't even seem to notice/care). I will probably tear up coming home after dropping them off and have a knot in my stomach until I get the call that they are ready to come home.



Throwing the deuces
:huggy: Good luck kitties!!! And kittymommy! They'll be fine!
I know they will but I still worry. I think more because I have never taken any of my pets for to this place nor do I know anyone who has to get their reassurance.


Throwing the deuces
You are doing the right thing - hang tough.
I know but I haven't had the best luck with animals and routine surgeries. That "one out of a thousand " that goes wrong is usually my pet. I would worry even if the kittens weren't 4 months old.


Throwing the deuces
Is it normal for the Well Pet Clinic to not call the day before to remind you of pre-surgery instructions? Luckily I wrote them down beforehand but I could see how others would forget.


happy to be living
Is it normal for the Well Pet Clinic to not call the day before to remind you of pre-surgery instructions? Luckily I wrote them down beforehand but I could see how others would forget.
The WPC in Prince Frederick was closed yesterday due to flooding. I doubt anyone was there to call you.


Throwing the deuces
The WPC in Prince Frederick was closed yesterday due to flooding. I doubt anyone was there to call you.
Ok. Unfortunately they neglected to tell me that the kittens needed to be in separate carriers but they are lending me one to take home and return later. I did not know they recovered in the carrier. I thought it was like a vet office where they have cages.


Throwing the deuces
It's amazing how perky animals seem to be after surgery. Benji came home and immediately tried to hump Pepper (a male Springer). Guess he just wanted to prove he still had it. Wrong sex unfortunately.
I am sure both will be fine and this is worse for me than them. :lol:


Throwing the deuces
Anyone know why Gracie got tattooed? I thought they only did that to stray cats.


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Well-Known Member
Anyone know why Gracie got tattooed? I thought they only did that to stray cats.
Is that a tattoo? Is that what the shelters use to check if the cat has been spayed without having to open her up again to check if she has her bits and pieces? Maybe in case she got lost, or dumped.
How are they? Collars to prevent licking the scars?


Throwing the deuces
Is that a tattoo? Is that what the shelters use to check if the cat has been spayed without having to open her up again to check if she has her bits and pieces? Maybe in case she got lost, or dumped.
How are they? Collars to prevent licking the scars?
Yes, it is a tattoo. Right on her incision mark. I have seen that before but usually in the animal's ears. I figured it was to show that the animal had been fixed but like I said, I had only seen it in feral cats before. Not someone's pet.

They are doing great. Not 100% but a lot better than I expected. Gracie's incision is so small. They have either gotten the procedure more refined since the last time I had a cat fixed or maybe they did it laparoscopically.

I tried to put collars on both. Gracie was ok with hers for an hour and then she would go crazy to get it off. I would put it back on, she'd be fine and then she would fight it. Then she acted real depressed and hid. That got me worried so I took it off. I would clap my hands loud if I saw her licking. She has been pretty good about leaving it alone.

Boone, on the other hand, is a typical male. Minor procedure and it is the end of the world. You'd think he was the one who had to be opened up. He hated the collar and would get both feet stuck behind his head trying to pull it off. I was afraid he would dislocate his shoulders. His collar only lasted a little while. He has been good about leaving the incision alone for the most part.

I gave both a little wet food which they ate with no issue. I haven't seen either use the litter box but I will check in the morning. Gracie is currently sleeping on my pillow and Boone made a brief appearance and is back in the living room I guess.


Throwing the deuces
My muttso was done there - he was fine. Wagging his tail when I picked him up and peed on their floor right before we left. Benji was a bit uncouth.

Just looked up their rating too - great reputation - five stars - good comments. I know it's not routine for you but this is nothing to them - they're skilled. Sending :huggy: your way.
I have to say that is the one complaint I have. Because this is so routine for them, they have forgotten it's not for the owner. They were so impersonal. Very cold about the whole thing.


Throwing the deuces
I noticed that with Benji as well. I was so happy to get the little booger back that I really didn't care. And he peed on their floor so payback.
My youngest went with me to pick them up and commented about how run down the outside looked. I told him it was an old farmhouse. Yes they could have fixed the place up a bit but it wasn't that bad.

Both boys seem angry I took them there. Youngest for the appearance and oldest because it was a "low cost" place. He lives by the addige "you get what you paid for".