Religion Of Peace - Mobs Globally


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The Reason Arab Nations Reject Palestinian Refugees Might Not Be What People Think

The question is: Why haven’t Arab nations taken in Palestinian refugees and assimilated them into their own societies?

It would make sense, wouldn’t it? The easiest way for the entities claiming to care about Palestinians to ease their burdens would be to take them into their care. Yet, since 1948, the Arab nations, by and large, have refused to accept them.

Sir Alexander Galloway, who headed the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), gave us the answer to this question in 1952:

The Arab States do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore, as an affront to the United Nations and as a weapon against Israel. Arab leaders don’t give a damn whether the refugees live or die.

In essence, the Arab nations and terrorist groups like Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) view the Palestinian refugees as mere pawns in their overall fight against Israel, nothing more. It’s like having a scapegoat that conveniently doubles as a rallying cry for anti-Israel elements. What is even more galling about this reality is that the Arab nations are the ones who caused the Palestinian refugee crisis in the first place. You can read more about that here.

Lebanon has forced the refugees to endure appalling social and economic conditions, with many being confined to camps. The government enforces severe restrictions on Palestinians’ access to education, social services, and basic civil rights.

Egypt has also been reticent about allowing Palestinians into the country. After the 1948 war, the nation controlled the Gaza Strip but refused refugees entry into its borders, and it also prevented them from moving elsewhere. Now, the nation’s government still refuses to take in Palestinians, citing concerns about unrest.

“The political cost outweighs any of the benefits,” she [Nancy Okail, president and CEO of the Center for International Policy, a progressive nonprofit in Washington, D.C.] added, pointing to the potential for domestic unrest in Egypt if an influx of Palestinian refugees were to arrive.
But the prospect of a mass displacement from Gaza – a narrow, densely populated territory on Egypt’s northeast border – has heightened concerns in el-Sisi’s government.


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A Muslim man admits that he masturbates to seeing dead Israelis in addition to enjoying killing and raping jews. He says the US “is f***ing evil” and one day the “Muslims will destroy US and rule the world.”



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At the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, Israeli actress Gal Godot arranged for a showing of the 45-minute video of Hamas atrocities that was assembled by the IDF, largely from Hamas’s own footage. Anti-Jewish protesters demonstrated outside the museum, and a brawl broke out.

The protesters exhibited typical Palestinian logic:

So physically assaulting Jews is A-OK, but pointing out the evil of Hamas is “racist.”

This is nothing like a comprehensive catalog of today’s anti-Semitic incidents. It is just a few that I ran across over the last couple of hours, and probably misses most of the major ones. But it gives a flavor of the current ubiquity of anti-Semitism. And the Biden Administration is launching an investigation into “Islamophobia,” which gives you a good idea whose side they are on.

Alan Dershowitz: Alleged Rise of Islamophobia at Universities ‘Fake’

"I congratulated him for his great efforts in getting the administration behind this effort to root out anti-Semitism," he said. "It hasn’t worked. In fact, what’s happened, and it’s this administration and Biden as well, whenever they talk about anti-Semitism, they say, 'and Islamophobia.' I’ve got news for you. There is no Islamophobia at any university in the United States. It’s a fake. It’s virtue parading. Oh, we have to fight anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Let me tell you who the anti-Semites are. They are largely, not completely, the radical Muslims who claim to be victims of Islamophobia. This is a one-sided issue.”

In fact, real incidents of Islamophobia are so hard to come by that a Palestinian man in Ohio faked an Islamophobic hate crime last month. Unfortunately, too many people on the left choose to pretend this isn’t a one-sided issue.

“Only Jews and pro-Israel Christians on campus today are being attacked,” Dershowitz insisted. “Muslims are not being attacked. Arab’s pro — they’re the privileged groups. They’re the ones who get the benefits. They’re the ones who get the advantages from teachers. They’re the ones who get the good recommendations. But if you say you’re pro-Israel, if you wear a kippah or a Star of David, you are not getting fair treatment at American universities today, and there has to be a response from the government, or else we’re going to bring lawsuits.

"You know, hurt a Jew, we sue you," he continued. "That’s going to be our new motto, and we’re not going to allow this kind of pushing around. As we’ve heard before, this happened in the 1930s. Harvard welcomed Nazis. Yale had a pledge that said, we won’t fight against the Nazis. People marched through the streets of New York, doing Heil Hitler’s and swastikas.”

Dershowitz then expressed his commitment to rooting out Hamas and Hamas supporters at colleges, universities, and other places. Unfortunately, I doubt he’ll get any help or encouragement from the Biden administration. Earlier this month, the White House responded to the explosion of anti-Semitic incidents nationwide by unveiling a national strategy to counter Islamophobia.


PREMO Member

Jihad on Churches in France

by Raymond Ibrahim • November 22, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • A map, published by, which marks with a red pin every spot where a church in France was attacked between just 2017-2018, looks like a war zone. Virtually the entire map of France is covered in red. Even Snopes, which presents itself as the final arbiter on what is real or fake news, admitted the accuracy of the map, while trying to minimize its findings...
  • One wonders if [Snopes] would be so casual if a Christian vandalized a mosque, or broke into a mosque while screaming Christian slogans?
In July 2023, Muslims torched the 12th century Saint-Georges De La Haye church in Descartes, France. (Image source: Joël Thibault/Wikimedia Commons)

Christian churches are under attack throughout Western Europe, with very recent examples from Austria, Germany, Italy and Sweden.
No Western nation, however, seems to experience as many attacks on its churches as France, once known as the "Eldest Daughter of the Church."
Investigative journalist Amy Mek tweeted on July 1, 2023:

"Attacks on Churches are the norm in France; two Churches a day are vandalized — they are being burned, demolished, and abandoned, and their adherents are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Priests are under constant threat. At what point will France's open border politicians be held responsible?"

That last question inadvertently identifies the culprits — namely, migrants from the Muslim world, where attacks on churches are not abnormal.


PREMO Member

Irish police and news outlets, obeisant to their globalist Marxist masters, are turning on their own and referring to the protestors as a "lunatic, hooligan faction driven by a far-right ideology." Or maybe the Irish are tired of being attacked by people who are pipelined into their country by globalists.

Remember that term "far-right." It's the latest hobgoblin moniker given to people who dare stand up for their rights, their family, and their country.

FACT-O-RAMA! Weak English cops sat on their hands for years and did nothing as Muslim men raped thousands of English women, many of them repeatedly, for fear of being called "racists." When forced to report on the sexual savagery, guttless news outlets referred to the rapists as "Asian grooming gangs," hoping to hide their origins.

The world's news media apparatchiks sprang into action. England's BBC bent a knee to the Klaus Schwab types and described the attacker as "an Irish citizen, who has lived in the country for 20 years," somehow forgetting to mention he is apparently Algerian.

The Irish are protesting and demanding an end to mass immigration, which isn't easy since Ireland enacted Draconian "hate speech" laws that make it all but impossible to state an opinion about immigrants "a person or persons because they are associated with a protected characteristic" without ending up in jail for up to five years.

A "significant number" of so-called hooligans were allegedly arrested, though this looter appears to not be Irish.

Mosques are allegedly being targeted as well.



PREMO Member
🔥 The Washington Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “Far-right protesters burn and loot Dublin in worst violence ‘in decades’.

image 13.png

Mostly-peaceful Irish protestors took to the streets of Dublin yesterday, setting several buses and cars on fire, launching fireworks at cops, and so forth. According to the Washington Post’s fair, even-handed description, the protesters were a “lunatic, hooligan faction driven by a far-right ideology” who were angry about a knife attack earlier in the week.

Why? Well, good luck finding reliable descriptions of what actually happened that made the locals so upset. As far as I can tell, for an unexplained reason, an immigrant — believed to be an Algerian muslim — went on a wild stabbing spree outside a Dublin elementary school and seriously injured three children — aged 4, 5, and 6 — and two adults, probably teachers. Fortunately, several local bystanders who witnessed the carnage immediately piled on top of the assailant, stripping his knife away and holding him for police.

But somehow it’s the protestors who are the lunatics and hooligans, not the Algerian migrant.

Dubliners apparently got enraged after Irish authorities announced the apparently-random stabbings were not a “terrorist” incident — which would have carried enhanced penalties — but just another unremarkable, garden-variety crime of passion. Citizens became even more upset after officials obstinately refused to identify the attacker and obscured his nationality, using tortured euphemisms and burying the ugly facts in word salad nonsense.

Building citizen rage ultimately led to a George Floyd-style riot last night in Dublin, which the corporate media prompted dubbed “far right” and described as the ugliest, worst display of human barbarity the innocent reporters have ever seen, prudishly acting like they never saw a leftwing riot before.

It’s quite hilarious how transparently differently corporate media describes ‘right-wing’ protests than, say, unhinged leftists literally burning downtown Minneapolis.

They’re calling what happened in Dublin yesterday a “far right” riot because protestors were upset about Ireland’s lax immigration policies, which have been importing third world ne’er-do-wells into the tiny island nation for decades now. People are finally getting fed up, which is freaking out the media and government officials. Woke Irish Prime Minister Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, who supported 2020’s BLM riots in the U.S., told reporters that the protestors “brought shame on Ireland,” and vowed that police would relentlessly do “whatever it takes to fight back waves of ignorance and criminality.”

Prime Minister Varadkar, if that’s his real name, brought shame on Ireland, not the protestors.

Oh Yes ANY challenge to unchecked Muslim Immigration is ' right wing '


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Conor McGregor GOES OFF On Police Chief Blaming 'Far Right' For Riots Over Migrant Stabbing Kids!​



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🔥 The Washington Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “Far-right protesters burn and loot Dublin in worst violence ‘in decades’.

Mostly-peaceful Irish protestors took to the streets of Dublin yesterday, setting several buses and cars on fire, launching fireworks at cops, and so forth. According to the Washington Post’s fair, even-handed description, the protesters were a “lunatic, hooligan faction driven by a far-right ideology” who were angry about a knife attack earlier in the week.

Ireland's prime minister condemns anti-immigrant protesters in Dublin

Police arrested 34 people overnight after up to 500 people looted shops, set fire to vehicles and threw rocks at crowd control officers equipped with helmets and shields. The violence began after rumors circulated that a foreign national was responsible for the attack outside a Dublin school on Thursday afternoon.

Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said Ireland's capital had endured two attacks, one on innocent children and the other on "our society and the rule of law."

"These criminals did not do what they did because they love Ireland, they did not do what they did because they wanted to protect Irish people, they did not do it out of any sense of patriotism, however warped," Varadkar told reporters on Friday morning. "They did so because they're filled with hate, they love violence, they love chaos, and they love causing pain to others."


PREMO Member

MMA Champion Conor McGregor Under Investigation for ‘Online Hate Speech’ Following Remarks After Children Were Stabbed by Algerian Immigrant in Dublin

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown.

There are reports that the perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant.

McGregor then lashed out at the police commissioner after his limp-wristed response to the vicious attack and resulting rioting.

“Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today. Our chief of police had this to say on the riots in the aftermath. Drew, not good enough. There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape or form with this frightening fact. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory. God bless those attacked today, we pray,” he wrote.



PREMO Member
They spent all that effort in keeping the nature of the Perp hidden as long as possible.

Everytime there's an incident like this the likelyhood its a ####bag muslim responsible is damn near 99%.