Mobile vet


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Where has this been all my life?? The vet I was going to switch to after the last fiasco had a stroke, and Apollo's groomer suggested the mobile vet. She got here, examined Apollo, gave him a couple of shots, and like 2 mins later we were done. In a day or two she'll email me the results of his blood etc, and direct me to a pharmacy that will fix him up with flea and heartworm prevention.

No waiting. No rigamarole. In and out. Because when it's their time on the line they are quite efficient and punctual.

It's probably not for pets with chronic medical conditions, but Apollo is peachy so it's perfect for us. She also does emergency care.

Now I need to find a mobile dentist. And a mobile general practitioner. And a mobile EVERYTHING!! :yahoo:


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
If I'm reincarnated, I want to come back as Apollo. He's well traveled, even more well traveled than many adults I know. He sleeps about 14.7 hours a day. So when he's sleeping, he's not getting into trouble.

He's pretty much the perfect pooch. Now if I could just teach him to fetch a ball, we'd spend most of the day in the dog park To him, the dog park is a place where he sniffs every blade of grass to savor the aroma of the previous canine occupant.

During the day, I feed the fish in the back yard. Apollo supervised. Recently, the local heron has discovered that when I toss those tasty pellets to the fish, it's easy to spear a bluegill for a tasty snack. But Apollo becomes irate when his feathered nemesis shows up. Just once I'd like to open the deck gate and see what he does. I think he's mostly all bark and no bite.

I hope he lives a good long life. Because I know that some day in the future I will miss that occasionally annoying bundle of fur.