Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


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Only 6 of the 33 Arrested at George Washington U. Were Students

Outside agitators. What a shock.

The Washington Post reported that six of the 33 arrested at the George Washington University anti-Israel encampment are students:

All of those arrested — 29 on charges of unlawful entry and four on charges of assaulting police — were given criminal citations and released, according to authorities. They will have to appear in court at a later date, and they did not go through a formal booking process. The charges are misdemeanors.

Police said 25 of the people arrested are female, including a 17-year-old from Silver Spring, Md. Most of the adults are ages 19 to 23. According to social media posts, six of the people arrested attend Georgetown University, about a mile and a half from GWU. A spokeswoman for Georgetown could not immediately confirm that number.
The Washington Post reached three of the people arrested, and they declined to comment. University officials have asserted that outsiders co-opted the nearly two-week campus demonstration protesting the Israel-Gaza war and demanding that the school sever ties with the Jewish state. Police said that many people left when dispersal warnings were given before the arrests, so a precise breakdown of participants could not be determined.

The mob has already returned to GWU.

In New York City, over half of those arrested at Columbia and The City College of New York aren’t students.

Police arrested 282 people between the two schools, 112 at Columbia and 170 at CCNY.



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Arrested Pro-Hamas Professor Goes Mental, and Her Areas of 'Expertise' Will Blow Your Mind

If you can't watch the video for some reason, the following transcript needs to be read with a demon voice to get the full effect because that's what she sounds like.

PROFESSOR: We can not have a genocidal foreign policy in a democracy! These young people are going to be the ones who pay the price for these horrible decisions. These police officers out here today, that's thousands of student scholarships! Thousands of students could have been able to go to school and have books and have housing, but instead, our chancellor, who is a very cruel man, decided to send thousands of dollars worth of state funding into the trash! What job do I have if the students don't have a future?!

The irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife. As this lunatic is being arrested for breaking the law in support of terrorists, she's decrying that taxpayer funding was spent on police instead of more scholarships so she could teach her special brand of insanity to more young people.


PREMO Member

Biden staffer who resigned over White House’s ‘disastrous’ support for ‘genocide’ is daughter of weapons exec helping Israel

The dad of the Department of Interior staffer who dramatically resigned this week to protest the Biden administration’s support for Israel is a senior executive at a defense giant that supplies American weapons to the Land of Milk and Honey.

Lily Greenberg-Call, a special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department, went out with a bang Wednesday with a red-hot resignation letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

“I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous, continued support for Israel’s genocide,” wrote Greenberg-Call, 26 who additionally condemned Israel’s “violations of international law” perpetrated with “American weapons.”

Lily Greenberg Call, a third-year Political Science major and Public Policy minor, smiling at the camera

Greenberg-Call is the daughter of Thomas Call, a senior executive at a division of RTX Corp., formerly Raytheon Technologies Corp., one of the biggest arms dealers in the world, according to his LinkedIn.

Her mother Aimee Greenberg, is a successful theater producer.

Call, 64, is a chief engineer at Raytheon Applied Signal Technology, which was acquired by Raytheon in 2010 and was a “market leader in advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance,” according to a press release.

The weapons behemoth regularly stocks Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system, something the company proudly notes on its website.


PREMO Member

Anti-Israel uprisings hit dangerous new extreme in Michigan​

This is not normal.

The anti-Israel uprisings at colleges across the country have featured violence (from both sides), vandalism, unlawful occupations known as “encampments,” and many other acts that go well beyond free speech. And now, at the University of Michigan, this radical protest movement just crossed the line into dangerous new territory.

This week, agitators reportedly showed up at the homes of University of Michigan Board of Regents members in the middle of the night, invading their private property. They chanted on their lawns and brought with them fake corpses, faux bloodied sheets, and lists of demands, including, bizarrely, completely unrelated desires such as “defunding the police.”

“As you have refused to come to the encampment, we are now bringing the encampment to you,” video shows protesters yelling with a loudspeaker on the property of one Board of Regents member’s home in the very early hours of the morning.

This was, understandably, frightening and intimidating for the targeted public officials.

“Around 4:40 A.M., a masked intruder came to the door of my family’s home with a list of demands, including defunding the police,” Regent Jordan Acker recounted on X. “My three daughters were asleep in their beds, and thankfully unaware of what transpired.”

“This form of protest is not peaceful,” he concluded. “Public officials should not be subject to this sort of intimidating conduct, and this behavior is unacceptable from any Michigan community member.”

Acker is absolutely right.

No matter how one feels about the Israel-Palestinian conflict, no one should support this kind of extremist behavior. People’s homes should always be off-limits, but especially in the middle of the night and especially with such intimidating tactics and props used.

Unfortunately, while the protests were dispersed after law enforcement arrived at the scene, no one was arrested. This sends the message that trespassing and intimidation are actually fine, so don’t be surprised when campus extremists return to this tactic in the future.

This is not Protesting but Intimidation .....


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Eliana Atienza, who comes from a wealthy Filipino family that regularly share images eating caviar, first class flights and partying with celebrities on Instagram- has claimed she now has nowhere to live.