Gym Etiquette Rant


Lawful neutral
I’m beginning to think that what I thought was standard etiquette in a gym isn’t. These are just a few observations I’ve noticed and I figured I’d start a thread to help people new to working out or maybe educate me to the errors of my thinking.

Please add to these to help me out & our fitness friends.

1.The locker rooms are small, but we all pay for them. Moving my shoes off my locker and putting your belongings on top is rude. Put your stuff on top of your own locker.

2.We all know your training to be a power lifter and that’s why you’re so big but again, we all pay for the locker space and we have as much right to change there as you do.

3.When swimming laps you SPLIT THE LANE please do not think just because you decided to join me that all of the sudden we’re going to start swimming in circles.

4.Talking to me when I’m naked makes me uncomfortable. Probably not as uncomfortable as when I start a slow helicopter but it’s the only way to make you go away.

5.I know you’re older and probably just don’t know but there is aerobic and anaerobic activity. If you’re on the elliptical walking and then all the sudden start sprinting while screaming, not only is it embarrassing, you’re probably not in your target heart rate.

6.Also you’re on it backwards.

7.There is no such thing as training UFC. You scare me please go away.


Well-Known Member
I’m beginning to think that what I thought was standard etiquette in a gym isn’t. These are just a few observations I’ve noticed and I figured I’d start a thread to help people new to working out or maybe educate me to the errors of my thinking.

Please add to these to help me out & our fitness friends.

1.The locker rooms are small, but we all pay for them. Moving my shoes off my locker and putting your belongings on top is rude. Put your stuff on top of your own locker.

2.We all know your training to be a power lifter and that’s why you’re so big but again, we all pay for the locker space and we have as much right to change there as you do.

3.When swimming laps you SPLIT THE LANE please do not think just because you decided to join me that all of the sudden we’re going to start swimming in circles.

4.Talking to me when I’m naked makes me uncomfortable. Probably not as uncomfortable as when I start a slow helicopter but it’s the only way to make you go away.

5.I know you’re older and probably just don’t know but there is aerobic and anaerobic activity. If you’re on the elliptical walking and then all the sudden start sprinting while screaming, not only is it embarrassing, you’re probably not in your target heart rate.

6.Also you’re on it backwards.

7.There is no such thing as training UFC. You scare me please go away.

That is also useful at work.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Stop wearing perfume to spin class. It smells and gives me an instant headache. Thank you.


Lawful neutral
Stop wearing perfume to spin class. It smells and gives me an instant headache. Thank you.


Also please don't smoke at the pool during fitness swim. I come up for air every third stroke for second hand smoke. :dead:


Lawful neutral
If you’re on a piece of equipment for five minutes not using it and taking selfies, don’t get offended if someone asks you if you’re done. Heaven forbid you might actually burn a calorie.



Well-Known Member
If you’re on a piece of equipment for five minutes not using it and taking selfies, don’t get offended if someone asks you if you’re done. Heaven forbid you might actually burn a calorie.


I would have photo bombed every damn one of the selfies.

When they became offended, I would have said "You have been taking pictures for so long on the equipment, I thought you were an employee doing it for the webpage. I wanted to be in them!"


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I would have photo bombed every damn one of the selfies. When they became offended, I would have said "You have been taking pictures for so long on the equipment, I thought you were an employee doing it for the webpage. I wanted to be in them!"



PREMO Member
I thought this was going to be about my ventelated short shorts again.


Lawful neutral
Today I said words I never thought I’d say in my life...“Why are you spitting on the walls in the sauna?”
