COVID Testing


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Not the vaccine - but the COVID test. I had one Friday. Woke up with a low grade fever (but high for me, since I run below "normal") and I took my temp 3 times to be sure.

I have chronic sinus issues, so I was pretty sure it was a sinus infection brewing - all my signs were there, but I'd not been as proactive as I should have been and I woke up sick. But - a little worried since that's what they COVID does, too. I have been taking my temps every single day for a year and we do it at work - so I knew something was up.

I called out from work (protocol) and I made an appt with Urgent Care to have the drive by test. I also scheduled a TeleHealth appt with my Primary Care Dr as soon as they opened at 8am. I got the Rapid Test at about 11am and it was negative. They offered me the PCR test ("send away" test) and I took that, as well. Neither of them were particularly awful. Uncomfortable and a bit ooky but nothing horrible. By the way - all of this is done outside. You drive up in your car to a little trailer behind the UIrgent Care - they swab your nose. You drive your car over to a parking spot to wait for 30 minutes. They come out to tell you your results and then offer the PCR test and they swab you again right there. Nothing like no privacy. :rolleyes:

My Doctor knew my sinus history and she took about 5 minutes to prescribe me an antibiotic and told me I did everything "right" by going and already getting the test done AND praised me for getting the PCR test done, too. She said that if I responded to the antibiotics - that would definitely confirm the sinus infection AND rule out COVID since they don't work for COVID.

The only terrible part of this was that I had to wait until TODAY to get my results. I was told at the Urgent Care I'd be getting an email. Well, after finally getting a phone number to reach a live person (I had to call the Dunkirk office) I was told NO, they were going to be calling me. Well, no one had called, either. Also, I needed a copy of the results, because Thing1's agency requires the proof- even though he's been vaccinated with both vaccines and should be "fully vaccinated". :rollyes:

So, after calling up there - they checked their database and LO & BEHOLD my results HAD come in. Yesterday! So If I hadn't called - I might still be waiting to hear back.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I'm embarrassed to say this, but.....I'm glad you have a sinus infection.
Me, too!
It's been 2 years since I've had one so I guess maybe I was due but I got a little lax in my proactive care. I won't do that again!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
So - update:

I did NOT start feeling 100% from the sinus infection symptoms, and I was having a breakthrough fever or 2. I thought it was just the sinus infection, but I was also achy when I had the breakthrough fever. While I had to track down my results from not hearing anything, my "official" report date on my COVID PCR Test was March 9th. And it was negative.

Friday - my fever was back in full swing and I was really tired and my voice very low and gravelly. NO COUGH. I made another telehealth appt and discussed bronchitis but the Dr. told me to also get tested. They made the appt for me for Sat. at 9am. for both Rapid and PCR Again.

I have some serious issues with the way the testing is being handled over here, but I'm not going to get into all that here. I got the Rapid Test and the PCR test by my primary care yesterday and was NOT notified until 8:30 pm last night that I now test Positive.

Last night, I was already feeling better again - (could be fluke) and this morning -the fever is gone. We'll see how long that lasts- I haven't been taking Tylenol today - purposely to see if it's gone without meds.

My main symptoms through all this:
Fever: about 99* - 100* (which, for me is high - mine runs at 97.7-97.9)
Body aches - just like a bad flu
Sinus congestion and pressure - just like a bad sinus infection - have to use the saline spray AND Mucinex to move it though - it's not just draining on it's own
Some minor loss of taste - but not a loss of smell
Lethargy. Mostly, just a little more tired than usual, but a couple of nights - it was extreme. (as in I slept from 6:30pm for like 12 hours)
NO COUGH. (or very light cough occasionally and only the past couple of days. Not croupy or wet at all)

I'm also pretty healthy "for my age" (almost 62) and those that know me can vouch for my energy levels. I do yoga, walk 5K at a time several times a week. I have stairs in my townhouse -so I'm up and down stairs daily - multiple times a day. I hike trails over here in Calvert. I'm used to going and doing.

Not sure where I got this - I had been to meetings a few nights before my symptoms started---AND like Rmorse reported in his thread - I actually felt a few weird-o symptoms that I didn't attribute to anything at the TIME - but looking back now - I'm thinking that was the beginning. That would be about 2 days before the fever hit me.

I'm going to be speaking to my Primary Care Dr tomorrow. Hoping I am on the downside of the hill by now - since most of it I've been dealing with as "a bad sinus infection". :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So - update:

I did NOT start feeling 100% from the sinus infection symptoms, and I was having a breakthrough fever or 2. I thought it was just the sinus infection, but I was also achy when I had the breakthrough fever. While I had to track down my results from not hearing anything, my "official" report date on my COVID PCR Test was March 9th. And it was negative.

Friday - my fever was back in full swing and I was really tired and my voice very low and gravelly. NO COUGH. I made another telehealth appt and discussed bronchitis but the Dr. told me to also get tested. They made the appt for me for Sat. at 9am. for both Rapid and PCR Again.

I have some serious issues with the way the testing is being handled over here, but I'm not going to get into all that here. I got the Rapid Test and the PCR test by my primary care yesterday and was NOT notified until 8:30 pm last night that I now test Positive.

Last night, I was already feeling better again - (could be fluke) and this morning -the fever is gone. We'll see how long that lasts- I haven't been taking Tylenol today - purposely to see if it's gone without meds.

My main symptoms through all this:
Fever: about 99* - 100* (which, for me is high - mine runs at 97.7-97.9)
Body aches - just like a bad flu
Sinus congestion and pressure - just like a bad sinus infection - have to use the saline spray AND Mucinex to move it though - it's not just draining on it's own
Some minor loss of taste - but not a loss of smell
Lethargy. Mostly, just a little more tired than usual, but a couple of nights - it was extreme. (as in I slept from 6:30pm for like 12 hours)
NO COUGH. (or very light cough occasionally and only the past couple of days. Not croupy or wet at all)

I'm also pretty healthy "for my age" (almost 62) and those that know me can vouch for my energy levels. I do yoga, walk 5K at a time several times a week. I have stairs in my townhouse -so I'm up and down stairs daily - multiple times a day. I hike trails over here in Calvert. I'm used to going and doing.

Not sure where I got this - I had been to meetings a few nights before my symptoms started---AND like Rmorse reported in his thread - I actually felt a few weird-o symptoms that I didn't attribute to anything at the TIME - but looking back now - I'm thinking that was the beginning. That would be about 2 days before the fever hit me.

I'm going to be speaking to my Primary Care Dr tomorrow. Hoping I am on the downside of the hill by now - since most of it I've been dealing with as "a bad sinus infection". :rolleyes:


So on a scale of 1-10, where would you say your discomfort level is? 1 being peachy keen and 10 being you wish you were dead.

General Lee

Well-Known Member
So - update:

I did NOT start feeling 100% from the sinus infection symptoms, and I was having a breakthrough fever or 2. I thought it was just the sinus infection, but I was also achy when I had the breakthrough fever. While I had to track down my results from not hearing anything, my "official" report date on my COVID PCR Test was March 9th. And it was negative.

Friday - my fever was back in full swing and I was really tired and my voice very low and gravelly. NO COUGH. I made another telehealth appt and discussed bronchitis but the Dr. told me to also get tested. They made the appt for me for Sat. at 9am. for both Rapid and PCR Again.

I have some serious issues with the way the testing is being handled over here, but I'm not going to get into all that here. I got the Rapid Test and the PCR test by my primary care yesterday and was NOT notified until 8:30 pm last night that I now test Positive.

Last night, I was already feeling better again - (could be fluke) and this morning -the fever is gone. We'll see how long that lasts- I haven't been taking Tylenol today - purposely to see if it's gone without meds.

My main symptoms through all this:
Fever: about 99* - 100* (which, for me is high - mine runs at 97.7-97.9)
Body aches - just like a bad flu
Sinus congestion and pressure - just like a bad sinus infection - have to use the saline spray AND Mucinex to move it though - it's not just draining on it's own
Some minor loss of taste - but not a loss of smell
Lethargy. Mostly, just a little more tired than usual, but a couple of nights - it was extreme. (as in I slept from 6:30pm for like 12 hours)
NO COUGH. (or very light cough occasionally and only the past couple of days. Not croupy or wet at all)

I'm also pretty healthy "for my age" (almost 62) and those that know me can vouch for my energy levels. I do yoga, walk 5K at a time several times a week. I have stairs in my townhouse -so I'm up and down stairs daily - multiple times a day. I hike trails over here in Calvert. I'm used to going and doing.

Not sure where I got this - I had been to meetings a few nights before my symptoms started---AND like Rmorse reported in his thread - I actually felt a few weird-o symptoms that I didn't attribute to anything at the TIME - but looking back now - I'm thinking that was the beginning. That would be about 2 days before the fever hit me.

I'm going to be speaking to my Primary Care Dr tomorrow. Hoping I am on the downside of the hill by now - since most of it I've been dealing with as "a bad sinus infection". :rolleyes:
It is very common to have good and bad days while recovering. So if you have a day where you are feeling good, don't over do it because you will pay for it the following days. Also don't be surprised if you develop a cough once the congestion starts clearing. The congestion may last for quite some time. Covid symptoms can stick around for weeks. I hope its not to bad for you, feel better soon.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga

So on a scale of 1-10, where would you say your discomfort level is? 1 being peachy keen and 10 being you wish you were dead.

I'm about a 3 right now, to be honest. I do NOT feel terrible like I did just 24 and 48 hours ago. (Friday and Saturday)

Earlier, I commented that I thought that my energy levels were good this morning. They were. Naturally, they're lower this evening, but that's to be expected. I have NOT been lying on the couch all day, but I didn't do housework - I just wiped up the bathrooms a little bit, and the kitchen counters a little. I also did take a nap this afternoon.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
It is very common to have good and bad days while recovering. So if you have a day where you are feeling good, don't over do it because you will pay for it the following days. Also don't be surprised if you develop a cough once the congestion starts clearing. The congestion may last for quite some time. Covid symptoms can stick around for weeks. I hope its not to bad for you, feel better soon.

Thank you.

Oops. Yes, I can definitely see that! Well, at least I didn't try to walk my 5K when I felt good. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Testing positive would really make me wonder where I got it. I never really did the hand sanitizer/washing my hands the minute I walk in the door from anywhere (unless it was clearing brush or the goat shed) routine and I've come this far w/o any issues including no colds this year. Now that it looks like we're moving in a more positive direction I'd be making myself bananas trying to figure out why now.

I sincerely hope you recover 100 percent Bann - you've taken care of yourself - me thinks the odds are in your favor.
More likely to get hanta virus there.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Today has been much better so far. I am cautiously optimistic based on all the other input I've read in these treads. My fever is the lowest it's been so far through all this and was actually "normal" for me at 4pm. I've had a nagging headache all day, though, and some nausea, which seems to be out of no where. Not sure what's causing it - and nothing helped. A little food, some sips of gingerale, water -I still l feel it a little bit. It's weird.

My regular Dr. called me today and she said it sounds like I'm on the other side of this thing. Fingers crossed.

She also said if my fever goes away for 3 days, I can UNquarantine without the negative COVID test, as those can take a long time to show up negative. NOT because you're contagious, though. Your body still shows the virus in it for awhile, I guess. I didn't ask that.


Well-Known Member
Today has been much better so far. I am cautiously optimistic based on all the other input I've read in these treads. My fever is the lowest it's been so far through all this and was actually "normal" for me at 4pm. I've had a nagging headache all day, though, and some nausea, which seems to be out of no where. Not sure what's causing it - and nothing helped. A little food, some sips of gingerale, water -I still l feel it a little bit. It's weird.

My regular Dr. called me today and she said it sounds like I'm on the other side of this thing. Fingers crossed.

She also said if my fever goes away for 3 days, I can UNquarantine without the negative COVID test, as those can take a long time to show up negative. NOT because you're contagious, though. Your body still shows the virus in it for awhile, I guess. I didn't ask that.

I hope you feel better soon..... :bann:


the poor dad
Today has been much better so far. I am cautiously optimistic based on all the other input I've read in these treads. My fever is the lowest it's been so far through all this and was actually "normal" for me at 4pm. I've had a nagging headache all day, though, and some nausea, which seems to be out of no where. Not sure what's causing it - and nothing helped. A little food, some sips of gingerale, water -I still l feel it a little bit. It's weird.

My regular Dr. called me today and she said it sounds like I'm on the other side of this thing. Fingers crossed.

She also said if my fever goes away for 3 days, I can UNquarantine without the negative COVID test, as those can take a long time to show up negative. NOT because you're contagious, though. Your body still shows the virus in it for awhile, I guess. I didn't ask that.

I'm tempted to stop by and share a margarita with you in order to get the 'rona so then I won't need the vaccine. I HATE NEEDLES! Have been very close to passing out because of them.

Sounds like you will whip this thing - thanks for sharing (your symptoms, not the 'rona) and hope it's over soon so you can get back to life!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I'm tempted to stop by and share a margarita with you in order to get the 'rona so then I won't need the vaccine. I HATE NEEDLES! Have been very close to passing out because of them.

Sounds like you will whip this thing - thanks for sharing (your symptoms, not the 'rona) and hope it's over soon so you can get back to life!
:huggy: Thanks! I've got a lot of dancing left to do! :dye:

**Even though I have what is probably a mild case - I'd take the needle over it if I had a choice! Seriously.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
So I woke up this morning feeling fever-free - this will be my 2nd day, if I stay fever-free. I never trust the results so I take it a few times. :lol: So far, it's staying about 96.7. (A little lower than 97.6!) But that's what it is.

I'm still congested. I can fully breath, but that congestion is still in there. It needs help to get out - is the only way I can explain it. Not sure how long that will last in my case. (Mucinex, saline rinses, lots & lots of water!)

My sense of taste and smell is improving, and I can now semi-taste and semi-smell. Overall, I feel better today than all the other days (13-14) so that's a good thing.

In hindsight, my doctor agrees, that my "symptoms" probably began on 3/3/21 when I began experiencing the extreme nausea and extreme lightheadedness and just felt like something was wrong. (for no reason that I could figure out) However, my fever didn't present until 3/5/21. I tested negative on BOTH tests on that day. That would be 2-4 days AFTER I was in a public place "with a lot of people" where I possibly was exposed. (in reality, it could have been ANYWHERE, because I have to work, I buy lunch out, I grocery shopped, :blahblah:) From all my other symptoms, they treated me for a sinus infection. During the next 7 days, I never really lost the fever 100% - tested again on 3/13/21 and was positive on both tests.

So, we can safely say 3/5/21 - 3/18/21 so far. :yay: Per my doctor's advice and the CDC Guidances - I can go out in the public 3 days after the fever is gone if I am feel better. (I can re-test,but it might not show negative for up to 6 weeks!)

General Lee

Well-Known Member
So I woke up this morning feeling fever-free - this will be my 2nd day, if I stay fever-free. I never trust the results so I take it a few times. :lol: So far, it's staying about 96.7. (A little lower than 97.6!) But that's what it is.

I'm still congested. I can fully breath, but that congestion is still in there. It needs help to get out - is the only way I can explain it. Not sure how long that will last in my case. (Mucinex, saline rinses, lots & lots of water!)

My sense of taste and smell is improving, and I can now semi-taste and semi-smell. Overall, I feel better today than all the other days (13-14) so that's a good thing.

In hindsight, my doctor agrees, that my "symptoms" probably began on 3/3/21 when I began experiencing the extreme nausea and extreme lightheadedness and just felt like something was wrong. (for no reason that I could figure out) However, my fever didn't present until 3/5/21. I tested negative on BOTH tests on that day. That would be 2-4 days AFTER I was in a public place "with a lot of people" where I possibly was exposed. (in reality, it could have been ANYWHERE, because I have to work, I buy lunch out, I grocery shopped, :blahblah:) From all my other symptoms, they treated me for a sinus infection. During the next 7 days, I never really lost the fever 100% - tested again on 3/13/21 and was positive on both tests.

So, we can safely say 3/5/21 - 3/18/21 so far. :yay: Per my doctor's advice and the CDC Guidances - I can go out in the public 3 days after the fever is gone if I am feel better. (I can re-test,but it might not show negative for up to 6 weeks!)
I'm glad you're on the mend. Congestion, fatigue, lightheadedness, dizziness, shortness of breath lasted for about 6 weeks for me. I was on 3 antibiotics to prevent secondary things popping up, and it was clear that they didn't do squat for the congestion or anything else for that matter. All virus related. I lost taste and smell 100%. Zero taste and smell for 3 weeks or so. That was a weird experience, I've never had that happen before.