2024 Election - Democrats


Well-Known Member
First of all, calling Biden a “populist” is hilariously stupid. But more to the point: why do these people have such antipathy for populism? Is it because they are the enemies of the people and everyone who hasn’t had their brain excavated by MSNBC knows they are enemies of the people?
Branding I guess. They WANT to cast him as "lunchbox Joe" but he's pretty much never been that, and now that the party controls his every movement and word, their disdain for the ordinary guy is evident.

By the very definition, Trump is clearly the populist, but it's a moniker that they can't bring themselves to accept.


PREMO Member

Virginia Dem candidate trashes parents involved in children's education as wanting to 'indoctrinate’ kids

Jessica Anderson, a Democrat running for delegate in Virginia’s 71st district, posted a video amid the 2021 Old Dominion gubernatorial race where she attacked parents who are involved in their kids’ education while promoting former Gov. Terry McAuliffe for re-election.

"I’m sorry, but I’ve seen some of the parents that live in Virginia," Anderson said. "You should not be dictating what your daughter and son’s curriculums look like."

"If you want to do that, there’s a thing called homeschool. Indoctrinate them there, but not in my kids’ public schools," Anderson continued, before pleading with her audience to vote for McAuliffe.

Anderson told Fox News Digital that while the post circulating the video online claims she called the parents "crazy," she never used the term in her video.

The lack of self awareness is EPIC, I know Democrats do not see their ACTIONS a Indoctrination


PREMO Member

Biden banks on book ban opposition to energize voters


Why it matters: Biden's camp sees the restrictions as a window to counter what he's framed as MAGA extremism, per Democratic strategists.

  • The president, who has repeatedly appealed to the "soul of the nation" in major addresses, has emphasized what he describes as the threat to America posed by former President Trump, who announced his run for president in November.
  • The bans have targeted content that includes characters who are people of color or have LGBTQ identities, Nadine Farid Johnson, the managing director of PEN America's Washington office, told Axios.
State of play: For Biden, book bans help highlight just "how deeply out of touch the MAGA movement is with the rest of the country," Navin Nayak, president of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, told Axios.

  • Republicans' focus on book bans — in states like Florida and Texas — underscores for voters the party only believes "in freedom if you're going to act in a way that they approve of," Nayak said.
  • Nayak pointed to other issues including abortion and voting rights issues that he said highlight the average American voter's aversion to some Republican-driven initiations.
Of note: Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster, told Axios that book bans face "overwhelming opposition" from Americans.

  • Books bans test "off the charts," Lake previously told Politico, which reported on the Biden reelection campaign targeting the issue. She predicted that "Democrats up and down the ticket" would run on the issue.
What they're saying: "President Biden is focused on protecting Americans' personal freedoms - the freedoms that are fundamental to who we are," Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz said in a statement to Axios.

  • "MAGA extremists are trying to take those freedoms away - they are trying to ban books, dictate what health care decisions women can make; make it more difficult to vote; and tell people who they can love," Munoz said.


Well-Known Member
It's all in phrasing - and perception. Are books being "banned"? Go to your kid's school's library and pull out the Penthouse and Hustler and scour the shelves for torture porn. Not there? Of course not. They have no place there. You can SAY they're banned, but any adult can purchase and read them. Just - don't read them at story time for the third grade.

THAT is what a leftie calls - a BAN.

In contrast - lefties want to ban To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and astonishingly, Uncle Tom's Cabin - a book written by an abolitionist and possibly the strongest influence in our nation's history for abolishing slavery. At one time, it sold only behind the Bible, and stoked anti-slavery movements worldwide.

Why? Because it evokes imagery that lefties don't want to deal with.

Republicans - at least, the party - and voters - have their own opinions on abortion, but at least now, voters can choose - as it stands, the United States is in the company of such states as China and North Korea when it comes to really libertine views on abortion, while the nations the lefties so much admire have restrictions so - "draconian" - they wouldn't even pass, here.

Truth is - most Americans do wish to keep some restrictions on abortion and allow for it. The problem is as usual - the extremes. On the left, they want it for any reason, at any time up to and EVEN A SHORT TIME AFTER, birth. The extremes on the right want to start at conception.

Most abortions occur within the first trimester; by now, most of those are done with a pill. The problem is that both extremes seem to think that ANY COMPROMISE on their positions is defeat. That's ridiculous - they should look to Europe and see, some of what the left despises is the norm there.


PREMO Member
During a business forum, Candi CdeBaca — a Democrat socialist — said the race-based tax could be levied by the business improvement districts, as first reported by 9News. A business improvement district is managed by local business owners, residents, and local government officials and can levy incremental tax increases which are then redistributed in a specific geographic region, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

“Capitalism was built on stolen land, stolen labor, and stolen resources,” CdeBaca told the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance, 9 News reported. “You could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led businesses all over the city and redistributing them to black and brown-owned businesses.”

While a tax levy can be distributed to assist underserved businesses, the tax can’t be applied based on an individual’s skin color. That would be illegal under federal law, but the 37-year-old argued this plan would not be illegal since the taxes levied are “voluntary.”

A spokesperson for Denver’s Department of Finance told 9 News this was false.

“Non-residentially assessed property owners within the BID are required to pay the additional taxes/fees,” said spokesperson Courtney Meihls. “It’s not voluntary.”



PREMO Member

Hillary Clinton Sums Up The New Democratic Party Base

It is a bit odd to be concerned about the well-being of gigantic corporations — especially as a Democrat. Leftists have historically painted Republicans as the party of Big Business — whereas the Democrats look out for the little guy.

Now, even The New York Times admits that is no longer the case.

Why? Well, corporate America is now often more aligned with social justice warrior causes such as advancing BLM-related initiatives, the LGBTQ agenda, and even abortion.

As the Times’ Andrew Ross Sorkin said in 2021, “Companies from Netflix to Citigroup got behind Black Lives Matter last summer; boycotts, including by the National Basketball Association’s All-Star Game, pushed North Carolina to repeal a law preventing transgender people from using restrooms that match their gender identity; and now, companies are speaking out against efforts that disproportionally suppress minority votes.”

Folks on Wall Street, often employed at these “multi-billion dollar corporations,” donated more than $74 million to then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020, too. Biden raked in donations from Wall Street while Trump was given a measly $18 million from those in the industry.


PREMO Member

Democrats abandon the blue-collar worker in favor of 'social justice' warriors

CHESWICK, Pennsylvania — Up until two years ago, it would only take 12 hours for coal mined deep in a labyrinth operation 60 miles from here to go from that underground mine, through a high-tech cleaning procedure, and be loaded on a barge or rail car and brought to the Cheswick Generating Station, a coal-fired power plant, to light communities along the Allegheny River for generations.

That efficient process came to an end in September 2021 when owner GenOn Holdings announced the then-51-year-old facility, one that environmental groups had in their sights for years, decided to retire the plant. The company cited "unfavorable economic conditions, higher costs including those associated with environmental compliance, an inability to compete with other generation types, and evolving market rules that promote subsidized resources."

In short, the company was driven out of business in part by the "climate justice" movement within the federal and state governments that made doing business unfair, expensive, and impossible and, at the same time, made it very favorable for other energy resources they approve of, solar and wind, to get sweetheart subsidies.

For the past two years, the facility and the two towers that defined this curve of the Allegheny River — one 750 feet tall, the other 552 feet tall, both standing like sentinels of the industry — remained standing. Then, they didn't stand anymore: On Friday, their end of life became a reality when a controlled demolition brought them down.



PREMO Member
🚀 Award-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, who recently went independent on Substack with an éxpose of American involvement in the Nordstream pipeline terrorist attack, published a new article yesterday making some sobering predictions about the Proxy War. Hersh’s article was disquietingly titled “Partners in Doomsday.”

The first uncomfortable bit of news was that, according to insiders, toadlike Victoria Nuland may soon become the new Deputy Secretary of State — the highest and most influential office Nuland has ever held. Hersh says this prospect is causing “near panic inside the State Department.” Nuland famously hates Russia and was involved in destabilizing Ukraine’s government and orchestrating the 2014 coup.

So, first of all, if Nuland gets a hold of more power at the State Department, the Proxy War is likely to quickly get uglier.

Second, Hersh pointed out a factor that lots of folks are discussing this week. We are entering the time period where Biden must start getting things ready for next year’s election cycle. For example, the Fed decided NOT to raise interest rates this week, and some speculate that the aggressive actions it took before that were designed to rip off the band aid, take the medicine now, so the economy can starting looking better in 2024.

Similarly, Hersh says Biden needs a win in Ukraine. Politically, with an election right around the corner, Biden can’t afford to lose, not after Afghanistan. But neither can Putin afford any kind of negotiated solution that gives Biden and NATO the win; so any feasible U.S. peace proposal would be an unaffordable political loss for Putin.

That’s not a recipe for resolution anytime soon.

But Biden can’t afford an endless, protracted war in Ukraine either, where nothing changes. And if Russia does “win,” Biden will have to shift into sponsoring a guerrilla war in Ukraine, or starting a new Cold War against Russia somewhere else on the globe.

In the most thought-provoking part of his Substack, Hersh quoted a recently-published Russian think-tank article, which argued that modern leaders have “lost their fear” of nuclear war:

[T]he American-led war against Russia in Ukraine, with the support of NATO, has become more feasible, even ineluctable, because the fear of nuclear war is gone. What is happening today in Ukraine, he argues, would be “unthinkable” in the early years of the nuclear era. At that time, even “in a fit of desperate rage,” “the ruling circles of a group of countries” would never have “unleashed a full-scale war in the underbelly of a nuclear superpower.”

They have a point. It would explain a lot. It certainly seems like the threat of nuclear was isn’t deterring our current set of political leaders very much.

We need a new government.

Read the whole thing.



PREMO Member

Obama slams Tim Scott for being a black conservative running for president

Since he is such a phony, Obama assumes Tim Scott is a phony, too. Democrats always accuse Republicans of being who or what they are. Barack Obama never lived the life that Tim Scott lived as a child in South Carolina. He lived in a small one-bedroom house with his single mom, his brother, and his grandparents. They were very poor and Tim learned a strong work ethic at a young age. It has served him well. He went from working at a fast food restaurant to finishing his college education, to working in the private sector, to going into politics. Barack Obama is a bi-racial man who was raised mostly by a white grandmother and attended the best schools. He lived in Indonesia with his mother and step-father from the ages of six through ten. He was Barry Soetoro for some of his life. It’s still unknown how he got into Occidential College – was it using his international experiences? He attended the most exclusive and expensive private school in Honolulu when he lived with his grandmother. She was a bank executive. In other words, Obama had little to overcome. Now he calls out Tim Scott for not being sincere when he speaks of unity.

Democratic strategist David Axelrod interviewed Obama for CNN on Thursday and asked the former president what he thought of Scott’s discussions of race. Scott, meanwhile, argued that Obama missed an opportunity to bring the country together following his 2008 and 2012 elections.
“I think there’s a long history of African-American or other minority candidates within the Republican Party who will validate America and say, ‘Everything’s great, and we can make it.’ Nikki Haley I think has a similar approach,” Obama told Axelrod when asked about Scott. “I’m not being cynical about Tim Scott individually, but I am maybe suggesting the rhetoric of ‘Can’t we all get along’… That has to be undergirded with an honest accounting of our past and our present.”
Obama went on to argue that candidates must address racial disparities in the justice system and elsewhere if they want to be taken seriously when they talk about American unity.

The fact is that Democrats like Obama will never take black conservatives like Tim Scott seriously, no matter what. Scott walks the walk and Obama is busy doing nothing but flapping his jaws to raise money for Democrats. Obama has lived the most privileged life possible in America, was elected twice as the first black president, and went on to live as a fabulously wealthy former president. Yet, Obama can’t let go of past grievances. He can’t because it doesn’t benefit him or Democrats to do so. It’s Obama’s final power grab to insert himself now as a conservative black man – and an Indian-American woman (you notice he dragged Nikki Haley into the conversation) are running for the GOP nomination. Obama considers them phonies.

Scott pushed back against Obama’s malarkey on Thursday with Mark Levin. Levin asked Scott if he thinks Obama missed an opportunity during his time in office to bring the country together.

“Mark, he missed a softball moving at slow speed with a big bat,” Scott responded. “You can’t miss this opportunity. America was hungry for bringing our country together, this coalition building where you can see Black kids and White kids and red ones and brown ones, as MLK [Martin Luther King, Jr.] spoke about, joining hands and singing with new meaning, ‘My country ‘tis of thee.’”
“President Biden ran as the great uniter, and he has been the great divider. I have heard more negative things about people under his leadership than I have in a long time. I’ll tell you, the one thing the far left does not want a Black person to be in this country is a conservative,” he continued. “It is possible for Americans to come together not because of the color of our skin, but because of the consistency of our value system.”


PREMO Member
First, it’s rich for Obama, the son of a white mother and a Kenyan economist, who attended a prestigious Hawaii prep school, to lecture the descendant of slaves about the realities of race in America.

Two, when the mood of the Left was more optimistic and less obsessed with so-called white supremacy, Barack Obama used to sound a lot like Tim Scott.

He emphasized uplift and how his success showed what’s possible in America.

Axelrod remarked on the similarity in his interview.

It feels like an artifact from a different time that people actually chanted “race doesn’t matter” at Obama’s victory party when he won the 2008 South Carolina primary.

Now, no one inclined to attend a party for a major national Democrat would dare think such a thing, let alone say it.



PREMO Member
He is prone to wide exaggerations about his own life experiences and has a penchant for at times stealing the words of another. He often says things that have no possibility of being true. Because voters seemingly grade on a curve, Biden’s gift for gab and Irish charm has carried him to a position of power that just about nobody saw in his future. That includes his former boss, President Obama, who talked him out of running in 2016 and who made clear to anybody who would listen that he didn’t think Biden was up to the job.

Biden has a habit of making exactly the wrong decisions. On international issues, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said of Biden, “he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

From his vaccine mandates to his mask mandates, from his reckless spending plans that helped to spur inflation to his embrace of the defund the police crowd, from his doubling down on the climate change hysteria to his confusing rhetoric on Ukraine before the conflict started, Biden has consistently made bad situations immeasurably worse.

Three things are now confronting Biden as he seeks reelection, outside his less than stellar performance. First, his age. Second, very real questions about how he got elected in the first place. Third, his corrupt business deals with his son, Hunter.

Biden’s geriatric bearing has long concerned voters, and it frequently is one of most cited reasons why voters voice discomfort with his reelection. He was old when he ran for vice president. He will be the oldest president by close to a decade should he win reelection and serve out his second term. And despite the aviator sunglasses and cool sports car, Biden is not a young old man. The voters notice and they don’t like it.

The latest revelations that people inside the intelligence community put their hands on the scale to tip the election in Biden’s favor makes his election appear to be illegitimate in the eyes of many voters. Did the CIA and FBI pressure Big Tech to suppress stories that would have hurt Biden in the closing stretch of the 2020 campaign? Should we take the allegations of whistleblowers seriously when they say that the Bidens are not playing by the same sort of rules as everybody else?



PREMO Member

Will Asian Americans Retreat from Democrats?

To understand why the midterm results are so startling, it’s helpful to have some historical context. During the 1980s, Asian Americans were politically divided. Some had recently escaped oppressive left-wing regimes in Cambodia, China, and Vietnam and so they found a natural home in the Republican Party. Others preferred the Democratic Party for its orientation on social issues and minority groups.

Despite these cross-pressures, Asian Americans as a whole voted overwhelmingly for Republicans as late as 1992, when they supported George H.W. Bush over Bill Clinton by a 24-percent margin. The GOP dominance among Asian Americans soon began to waver, however, as Clinton embraced a business-friendly free-market agenda and oversaw economic boom times while the perception of the GOP as hostile to minority groups and immigrants grew. As a result, Asian Americans shifted 13 percent towards Clinton in the 1996 election. This movement toward Democrats continued for the next twenty years, and within the span of two decades, Asian American voters went from giving Clinton 28 percent of the two-party vote in 1992 to giving Obama, Clinton, and Biden 65 percent, 67 percent, and 66 percent, respectively.

What makes the 2022 midterms so noteworthy, then, is that they represent a break from the decades-long trend toward Democrats. And when you drill down into the numbers, it becomes clear that two issues in particular are responsible for the Asian American backslide toward Republicans: public safety and education.