2023 Trophy Rockfish Season


Nothing to see here
I plan on going out fishing Saturday. Was going to go out in the Potomac but now going out in the bay. Heard the Potomac River was not having much luck. I have not heard of anyone really catching anything of size. Thinking the warm winter, the fish came in early and left and now stragglers are left. Any of you heard how they were biting?


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I wish you success. I'm sorry, but I haven't heard a peep about their whereabouts. My charter captain customer uses light lining on his boat. I doubt he'd want to get into monster rock, but you never know...

Hopefully the conditions we had will be good for an early appearance of white perch in the back creeks this year.


the poor dad
I thought the wind had been gusting too much this week for anyone to go out for the big one.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Beautiful day out on the water. Sun is out and bay is calm. There are no bites. 28 rods out. At least great company and weather. Fishing but no catching.

Thanks for the update. Just saved me a whole lot of gas, and frustration. Thinking it better to wait for warmer weather when the red drums make it up this way. Though ya can't keep the big ones, they sure do put up a good fight.


Nothing to see here
For your consideration ...

Thanks for the update. Just saved me a whole lot of gas, and frustration. Thinking it better to wait for warmer weather when the red drums make it up this way. Though ya can't keep the big ones, they sure do put up a good fight.
A lot of the boats talk to one another. We were south of the gas plant on the bay going east to west. Only boat that reeled two in was by bay bridge and both of those were to small and had to be thrown back. The warm winter had the rock fish go up the bay and back out before rockfish season started. There are some stragglers out there but we did not find them, no bait schools, no seagulls in feeding frenzy. Bay was calm, sun was out, and good conversations happened.


If I may ...
For your consideration...

Word in the hardware store today is no rock to be seen out there.

One must wonder why. It has been like this for the past 3-4 years now. Something has changed for there to be so few cow rockfish. 4 years ago, or so, they were everywhere, then, a precipitous drop which hasn't recovered.
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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Back during the moratorium in the late 80s early 90s, we used to catch 18"-24" fish all the time while shore fishing for catfish. That's proper eating size. Good thing we turned them loose to grow larger. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
For your consideration...

One must wonder why. It has been like this for the past 3-4 years now. Something has changed for there to be so few cow rockfish. 4 years ago, or so, they were everywhere, then, a precipitous drop which hasn't recovered.
More than 3-4 years the trawlers are netting all the bait and Rockfish are legal after so many miles off shore so there you go and white perch very few last year used to fill up a 5 gallon bucket with them 2-3 years ago but they 2 are MIA(last year) I will say that a place I fish in Calvert last year off a sea wall we were smoking legal Rockfish just about every weekend casting rattle traps


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
More than 3-4 years the trawlers are netting all the bait and Rockfish are legal after so many miles off shore so there you go and white perch very few last year used to fill up a 5 gallon bucket with them 2-3 years ago but they 2 are MIA(last year) I will say that a place I fish in Calvert last year off a sea wall we were smoking legal Rockfish just about every weekend casting rattle traps
I too, noticed the decline in white perch numbers last year. I just went more often to make up for it. I'm just glad I was able to freeze as many as I did. Very few bags with the same date in the freezer. I'm hoping they do better this year, but I'm readying some catfish poles just in case. I'd completely swore off of targeting cats, but a man's gotta eat.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Beautiful day out on the water. Sun is out and bay is calm. There are no bites. 28 rods out. At least great company and weather. Fishing but no catching.
Was just chatting with one of our local charter captains earlier today. He said they caught quite a few rock in the last week but none that were legal keepers.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
For your consideration...

One must wonder why. It has been like this for the past 3-4 years now. Something has changed for there to be so few cow rockfish. 4 years ago, or so, they were everywhere, then, a precipitous drop which hasn't recovered.
The rapid expansion of the bay and river dolphin population is a factor...they love rockfish.