High school grudges


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Most of my classmates have aged quite well, especially the women. Several of them look like slightly older versions of their teenage selves, and a bunch more blossomed as adults. I have to say, it's pretty sweet to see that mouseburger girl and nerdy little guy grow into :hot: with happy and successful lives.

One of the women on our reunion committee - the one with the control issues who is making the rest of us want to punch her - keeps promoting this idea that because we all went to high school together (even though we didn't even all know each other because it was a big school) that somehow binds us. And that's fine, but she harps it so much it's become ridiculous. So many of us bugged out after graduation for college or the military or whatever and lost touch with classmates that now it's not really a "oh, must come see old friends!" deal and more of a "eh, why not" thing.

So how many of you keep in touch with your high school classmates? I kept in touch with only one of them - who also happened to become my sister-in-law - until I got on Facebook.


professional daydreamer
So how many of you keep in touch with your high school classmates? I kept in touch with only one of them - who also happened to become my sister-in-law - until I got on Facebook.

I lost touch with them for many years, but social media has made it easy to reconnect with them, and I've been in touch with most of them for several years now, and one HS friend has even come up for a week to visit. I'd like to get back for a reunion one of these years, before we all die.
I lost touch with them for many years, but social media has made it easy to reconnect with them, and I've been in touch with most of them for several years now, and one HS friend has even come up for a week to visit. I'd like to get back for a reunion one of these years, before we all die.

This statement made me sad. :poorbaby:


professional daydreamer
This statement made me sad. :poorbaby:

It is sad. I'm on a couple of FB Home Town and HS pages, and the mods post the obits, and another girl from my school made a "memorial" video with all the classmates we've lost. Some were friends, some I just remember from passing them in the halls. I'd really like to get to a reunion soon.


Lawful neutral
Most of my classmates have aged quite well, especially the women. Several of them look like slightly older versions of their teenage selves, and a bunch more blossomed as adults.

Can you post pictures of them so we can rate them?
It is sad. I'm on a couple of FB Home Town and HS pages, and the mods post the obits, and another girl from my school made a "memorial" video with all the classmates we've lost. Some were friends, some I just remember from passing them in the halls. I'd really like to get to a reunion soon.

I think we have lost 9 in the 13 years I have been out of school. Mostly drugs...one heart attack at a baseball game... one died in his sleep... etc. I'm very sorry to hear of your friends and acquaintances passing. Even though you don't see or speak to them... it seems to leave a void. My condolences, sincerely.


professional daydreamer
I think we have lost 9 in the 13 years I have been out of school. Mostly drugs...one heart attack at a baseball game... one died in his sleep... etc. I'm very sorry to hear of your friends and acquaintances passing. Even though you don't see or speak to them... it seems to leave a void. My condolences, sincerely.

Thank you WR. I don't mourn them. We weren't that close. Just high school buds, class mates, the one's that I did know. That said, I was much closer to the one's that are still alive, and a few of them, I'd be very sad to not see them again, should they pass before I got back down there. I have no misconceptions about death. Nobody gets out alive. Death is a fact of life. I can say, though, that I don't know of any that died of drug overdoses or any kind of violence, outside of the vehicular type. Most died of heart attacks and the usual illnesses that take people when they are still on the young side of old.
Thank you WR. I don't mourn them. We weren't that close. Just high school buds, class mates, the one's that I did know. That said, I was much closer to the one's that are still alive, and a few of them, I'd be very sad to not see them again, should they pass before I got back down there. I have no misconceptions about death. Nobody gets out alive. Death is a fact of life. I can say, though, that I don't know of any that died of drug overdoses or any kind of violence, outside of the vehicular type. Most died of heart attacks and the usual illnesses that take people when they are still on the young side of old.

One girl I went to school with did get shot in the head and killed. She was a grade behind me I think. It was so shocking.


professional daydreamer
One girl I went to school with did get shot in the head and killed. She was a grade behind me I think. It was so shocking.

The most disturbing death of a classmate was a victim of Gerald Stanos (serial killer). Mary Carol Maher was one of my classmates, and one of his victims. Just a few years out of high school, she was a student at the community college. It could have been any one of us girls.
The most disturbing death of a classmate was a victim of Gerald Stanos (serial killer). Mary Carol Maher was one of my classmates, and one of his victims. Just a few years out of high school, she was a student at the community college. It could have been any one of us girls.

Holy ####! :jameo: That is seriously disturbing. Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Since this thread took a bit of a turn my graduating class of 130 lost two in the past year. One was due to drunken ATV riding a 2AM. The other was a girl that lived a couple houses down from me, we didn't get along as kids but never had a problem since, she dropped dead of an aneurysm while fixing dinner for her three kids, she was 41.
I only keep in touch with a small number of my class. Most of the class I had no desire to know then, none now. Went to a reunion a few years back, very disappointing. Hardly anyone showed up, and they were still the same jerks, barring a few. Lost quite a few along the way. One not too long ago from complications from an accident during an after school event involving alcohol, he was left paralyzed. Another just last year, my childhood sweetheart. Died of a brain infection. Others starting to drop like flies, and most of my class is only around 62 y/o.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Well, I went to school in St. Mary's and graduated from Chopticon HS. I have re-connected with quite a few of my HS friends and I must say I rather enjoy keeping in touch with them through FB. There are some I still communicate with quite often that way since we don't necessarily move in the same social circles. :yay: