football, yeah...


Well-Known Member
The SkinsCommander was never good...a few flukes here and there and excitement built.
I didnt watch much last year, only College so far this year. I didnt fall for the new & improved team from Warshington...

Are we over Neon Dion yet??? I dont know what Colorado was thinking but his thug attitude and nepotism having his son ejected...what more...

BUT, Restorable Rescues is a GREAT alternative. No he cant cover a 4 on 5 cut and slip on 3 HUT...but he's a cool guy.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Are we over Neon Dion yet??? I dont know what Colorado was thinking but his thug attitude and nepotism having his son ejected...what more...
Dion, like biden, is here to unite us all. More than half of the people watching his team play are rooting against him.

