Biden faces impeachment over Israel weapons suspension


Well-Known Member
Republicans are using the Democrats’ own words from the 2019 Trump trial

And nothing pisses the leftoids off like having their own words thrown back in their faces. FJB sure is good at issuing ultimatums, nicht wahr?

A Republican congressman has filed articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden for withholding deliveries of weapons to Israel, making a point of using the exact same phrasing the Democrats had used to impeach President Donald Trump.

Earlier this week, Biden told CNN that “we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells” to Israel if it proceeded with plans to attack Rafah City in south Gaza. Republicans quickly pointed out that Democrats had accused Trump of “abuse of power” for allegedly withholding congressionally approved military aid in 2019.



Active Member
I want to see Biden out of the Presidency as much as anyone but this impeachment crap is getting out of hand. It will probably end with the Senate shutting it down if it makes it through the House. We've got bigger fish to fry right now and should try to make sure he is sent home after the November election. The House Majority needs to stop with all of these distractions and get to the business of running the country and get rid of the rule allowing one member having the ability to trigger the removal of the speaker. Looks like a three ring circus.
And I wouldn't use any language authored by Nadler in any bill I put forth!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
get rid of the rule allowing one member having the ability to trigger the removal of the speaker.
This is a return to the original rule that the Pelosi controlled House had changed in 2019 when she made it that the motion to vacate needed the majority of one party to bring it to the floor.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The idea of impeachment could afford the Dems a two-fer. They could ride along on the impeachment and get rid of Biden prior to the convention thereby making the primary choices moot. Then they could select a new candidate at the convention and still blame the GOP thus using it for their benefit during the general.
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Well-Known Member
I want to see Biden out of the Presidency as much as anyone but this impeachment crap is getting out of hand. It will probably end with the Senate shutting it down if it makes it through the House. We've got bigger fish to fry right now and should try to make sure he is sent home after the November election. The House Majority needs to stop with all of these distractions and get to the business of running the country and get rid of the rule allowing one member having the ability to trigger the removal of the speaker. Looks like a three ring circus.
And I wouldn't use any language authored by Nadler in any bill I put forth!
I am of the opinion that allowing the Dems to yet again get away with another abuse of power without showing them that actions have consequences is capitulating to the left and showing yet again that Reps will just lay over and take it.

So no, this is the biggest fish, and we need to fry that mofo until it's burnt!
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Impeachment schmeachment. The Democrats have turned impeachment into a joke and if there's not going to be any punishment it's a pointless waste of time and money. Congresstards are lazy enough and they spend enough of our money as it is. Also it takes forever for these things to go through and there's no way it would go to a Senate vote by November.

Oh, and also because cowardly quivering Republicans don't have the intestinal fortitude to go through with it. Rachel Maddow and Joy Behar might say mean things about them and make them cry. They're too busy attacking Marjorie Taylor Green anyway.


Well-Known Member
The republicans capitulated a long time ago when they let Biden open the border.
Impeachment schmeachment. The Democrats have turned impeachment into a joke and if there's not going to be any punishment it's a pointless waste of time and money. Congresstards are lazy enough and they spend enough of our money as it is. Also it takes forever for these things to go through and there's no way it would go to a Senate vote by November.

Oh, and also because cowardly quivering Republicans don't have the intestinal fortitude to go through with it. Rachel Maddow and Joy Behar might say mean things about them and make them cry. They're too busy attacking Marjorie Taylor Green anyway.
I disagree, because Trump was never actually impeached, but leftards love to crow that he was. So do the same damned thing as the child raping filthy bastards and we can forever claim honestly that Biden was impeached, just the same as Trump.


Well-Known Member
Actually he was, just like Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Impeachment is nothing more than an indictment, means nothing unless convicted.
That's what I was getting at Ken.

So you can be impeached without a conviction? I was under the impression it wasn't an official impeachment without a conviction.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
That's what I was getting at Ken.

So you can be impeached without a conviction? I was under the impression it wasn't an official impeachment without a conviction.
Absolutely, just like being indicted by the state without being found guilty. Impeachment = indicted.


Well-Known Member
War is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought.