Recent content by -SS-

  1. -SS-

    Unemployment Down to 7.0% in October

    :killingme Semantics. Facts from the BLS say: 7.9% Bureau of Labor Statistics Data In case you didn't notice, that means it went UP 1/10 of a percent from 7.8%. Yeah, lets thank Owebama for 4 years of a sh!tty economy, high unemployment, and $16 Trillion in debt. It's a sad...
  2. -SS-

    :tinfoil hat alert:

    Stansberry's Investment Advisory Wow.
  3. -SS-

    Binders full of women

    Thought you might find this interesting and why you should be "offended". I'm betting you will get a kick from this: Scarborough: "Keep Talking About Binders And Mitt Romney Will Win In A Landslide" | RealClearPolitics Enjoy.
  4. -SS-

    Military Personnel Campaign Funds Favor Obama

    Thumbs down for propaganda thread creation (not that it is any surprise and typical). If the troops really supported Owebama then it would reflect in the polling. And whats the polling say? Read it for yourself: Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 - Marine Corps News | News from...
  5. -SS-

    Dad: Ambassador’s Death Not a Political Issue

    Terrorism IS a political statement. Always has been, always will be. If you want to see how to manipulate a death for a political statement, then reference Joe Soptik and how he coordinated with the DNC and Owebama campaign (which is ILLEGAL) to exploit his wife's death (which failed...
  6. -SS-

    Paul Ryan vs. The Stench

    O, I know. His goal is to troll these forums by spamming all the latest talking points from various leftwing sites... with the intent to get you guys riled up. The amusing part is that he is way off base. Then again, what do you expect for someone out in left field. :shortbus:
  7. -SS-

    Pity partyfor Mittens ..

    Best post of an otherwise retarded thread. I was hoping he would answer before anyone provided information like this. The OP has a propensity for not understanding many things, including citizenship.
  8. -SS-

    Paul Ryan vs. The Stench

    The resident spammer was easily fooled as well. How embarrassing. :lol:
  9. -SS-

    Mittwit wonders why airplane windows don't opeMITT

    Only someone suffering from an extremist myopic mindset would believe that it WAS NOT a joke. Then again, you're the guy who thought being born on the moon automatically made you a US citizen. :killingme
  10. -SS-

    Pity partyfor Mittens ..

    So lemme guess: The race is over (yet somehow still so close???). What do you base YOUR opinion on? The polls? Is that it?
  11. -SS-

    Romney shouldn’t pay a lower tax rate

    Tax rates of presidential candidates, in one chart - The Washington Post Owebama gave less than 1% to charity prior to being elected. After being elected, he upped it.
  12. -SS-

    Romney shouldn’t pay a lower tax rate

    Tax Rates only matter when it isnt a democrat / progressive / socialist. Yahoo! -Mitt Romney Whooops, looks like your troll has easily been dismantled. A little basic research would spare you alot of humiliation. Ironic considering you mention repeating lies often enough...
  13. -SS-

    Kansas considers taking Obama off ballot

    Comprehension isnt a strong point of yours, is it? Look at the OP; it mentions Owebama "being a citizen" as questionable due to insufficient evidence over his birth certificate. Now re-read the 14th Amendment. Notice that word citizen in there? If the State doesnt believe he is a citizen...
  14. -SS-

    Kansas considers taking Obama off ballot

    :killingme Sorry, but cant help but laugh at your profound ignorance and the audacity to state it as "fact". To wit: Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad As you can see, it's not "automatic" if you were born on the moon or anywhere else that isnt a part of the USA...