Recent content by somdwatch

  1. S

    And we have a verdict

    Joe hasn't been out in public, unattended yet! 😂
  2. S

    And we have a verdict

    Posting it twice, Doesn't make it true. You do listen to your handlers well though. "Repeat in enough and they'll believe."
  3. S

    And we have a verdict

    I wouldn't get used to using that convicted felon line, the case will be won on appeal. If not, I fear what comes in the future.
  4. S

    okay, enough

    I as well don't have a beef against abortion. I'm against a government that pays for it. Much like College tuition. It should be left to each individual's choice as long as they can pay for their stupid choices.
  5. S

    Dow 40,000

    Yeah, we really don't need to. When it comes to a battle of wits, you come unarmed. One might even say DimWit.
  6. S

    Dow 40,000

    If you paid for yours, I would send the degree back. You were over charged. History has repeated itself; one only needs to remember what Carter did back in the day. The problem with your idiot vs. Carter is it is Self Inflicted and living by the economic rules of what you're espousing. So...
  7. S

    Dow 40,000

    Fixed it for you Roid.
  8. S

    Dow 40,000

    Smart Choice! between cow pie high and the living roid there aren't enough pictures that would have them understand it.
  9. S

    Trump Coconspirators charged in Fake Electors scheme Arizona

    Do you grow your own or are you on the state handout prescription?
  10. S

    Mad Maxine Fears 2024 Thunderdome!

    Q: What do you call a democrat with an IQ over 100? A: The House
  11. S

    Henry Cuellar: Democrat

    DOJ should be investigating the insider trading of the congress critters. We sure as hell wouldn't need to impost term limits if they did that.
  12. S

    Kristi Noem Lies about meeting Kim Jong UN

    Only when we do our best Joe Biden impression or Sir Schiff's alot.
  13. S

    Trump Coconspirators charged in Fake Electors scheme Arizona

    You truly believe that don't you? In the context of the interview it was to conduct voter fraud by using dead people and harvested ballots. Watch how many illegals get a vote this year.
  14. S

    Horny in Hollywood

    She's not far from the Hole in the Wall. If it's still open!
  15. S

    Trump Coconspirators charged in Fake Electors scheme Arizona

    His exact word were. “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Being you won't click on any link anyone posts. GTFO of you basement and search for it yourself. I made it easier for you.