Recent content by Homer J

  1. Homer J

    Recommendation Air Duct Cleaning NYC

    Yeah, take a look at her previous posts. In June 2022, she talks about using a power wheelchair. She must have gotten better though because in November 2023, she posts about taking a trip to go 'white water rafting, canyoning, hiking, and possibly also mountain biking. We are very experienced...
  2. Homer J

    New Businesses Coming to Southern Maryland

    Their fried chicken is pretty tasty.
  3. Homer J

    Why does everyone hate self-checkout?

    I don't think they exist.
  4. Homer J

    here goes.....

    Hang your foofa out to let folks know what you're interested in.
  5. Homer J

    here goes.....

    You forgot to hang out your loofah. That'll make it more enjoyable.
  6. Homer J

    Okay, what's going in the McKay's?

    Almost as bad as the Chick-Fil-A parking lot. Still not sure what they were thinking there.
  7. Homer J

    NFL bans tackling..

    Time for flag football?
  8. Homer J

    Had no idea this was a thing....

    You've never gone to use the restroom at an elementary school? When my kids were at Ridge Elementary, I was there for some event. Went to use the facilities and almost had to kneel on the floor to use the urinal. Forget using the commode. I'd never be able to get up.
  9. Homer J

    Peanut butter on cheeseburgers - yes or no?

    I'd be willing to try it, once people can admit that pineapple on pizza is not a crime.
  10. Homer J

    Resident Alien

    Have you watched Game of Thrones? I'm still pissed about the ending.
  11. Homer J

    the Trumpet Blast

    Bring it on. I'm ready.
  12. Homer J

    Amazon Prime

    I've been rewatching My Name is Earl. It held up pretty well.
  13. Homer J

    Cold as hell here on generator......... sorta

    Move to a warmer state.
  14. Homer J

    what song are you listening to?

    This one always puts a smile on my face.