Recent content by Grumpy

  1. Grumpy

    Animals are Great!

    I can't count the times my pups have gotten a possum and I thought he was dead..I would lift him over the fence so the dogs wouldn't eat him...Within 15-30 minutes I would check and the possum was gone..
  2. Grumpy

    Humor for those raised in the 1970s

    Friend was shot dead between the eyes, raised a big blood blister. After that, we swiped safety glasses and goggles from shop class for our BB gun wars.
  3. Grumpy

    "I put that sh*t on everything"

    Photo session?
  4. Grumpy

    Play "Luck of the Draw" with Fast Stop Tag & Title (sponsored)

    Never trust the MVA..always get a name of the person you talk to. They effed me over during the covid bs where I had to renew my license and get the "Real ID"..Talked to them twice over the phone, was told I was good until such-n-such date and got an appointment. I go to the appointment and get...
  5. Grumpy


    Damn..never expected to agree with you..but I didn't mention the first grade part, I just said "no thank you".
  6. Grumpy

    Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions

    ...another of touch moment from Branden's Band of Idiots...
  7. Grumpy

    One night in Calvert, crazy crime stuff

    You would be wrong, believe it or not.
  8. Grumpy

    This won’t end well…

  9. Grumpy

    Deck Repair/Restoration

    Thomas Fence does decks, might be worth it to give them a call. They fenced my back 2 acres (so my dogs can run a bit) and were THOUSANDS cheaper than 3 other fence companies. Started immediately when I gave them the go-ahead and were done in 2 days.
  10. Grumpy

    Solar Storm

    @Kyle You must have 3catsailor on iggy..
  11. Grumpy

    I sure hope Hunter is alright.....

    Hunter will no doubt plead guilty and throw himself at the mercy of the court for a quick conviction, followed by a pardon before next January.
  12. Grumpy

    The grim video that shows Joe Biden is losing it

    Dubya didn't run against Obama...
  13. Grumpy

    Covid Vax Side Affects and Fallout

    The media/govt was a shill for the pharmaceutical companies, that makes them just as, if not more guilty. IMO
  14. Grumpy

    Covid Vax Side Affects and Fallout

    This article pretty much sums up why I will never trust the media/govt ever again. At the bottom of the article is a vid of an interview between Joe Rogan and Sanjay Gupta (CNN's medical expert) that was shows the dancing around the issue that CNN/MSNBC..etal flat out lied about ivermectin...