Recent content by CrunchTime

  1. CrunchTime

    TV repair

    Thanks for all the suggestions! I realized I forgot to upload a pic. My bf moved the one from upstairs downstairs and wasn't sure how to hook up, I'll call Verizon to see if this is something they can help me with I'm disabled and need help figuring out. Thanks!
  2. CrunchTime

    TV repair

    Does anyone offhand like to fix tvs? I have a wide screen tv that has a line/bar going right down the middle of my tv. The bar is about 6 inches wide. It's like watching split screen tv. Any suggestions?
  3. CrunchTime

    Rules of the barn

  4. CrunchTime

    Geek Island Challenge #2 results

    I missed the memo stating we had to be mean as possible and get banned. :nerd: Guess I'm the last one standing. :lol: Here I thought it was supposed to be a nice fun game. :crazy: What was I thinking :whack:
  5. CrunchTime

    UPDATE : Question about Grown children

    :yeahthat: He may not grovel for a while. Life is not good without family. He'll come around when he grows up, probably, and realizes what an azz he was.... or maybe not. :shrug:
  6. CrunchTime

    Hey Catt, look what I'm babysitting!!!

    :lmao: They'd probably tolerate a Boxer puppy. :whistle: If they were around the dog when it was a puppy, they'd adjust. At least that is how it has worked for us.
  7. CrunchTime

    UPDATE : Question about Grown children

    :frown: Some kids just don't appreciate much. You can try and be the best parent you can be, but some kids just don't seem to absorb what you try and teach them. I think maybe he won't ever get the picture, but your your sake, I hope he does. :flowers:
  8. CrunchTime

    Hey Catt, look what I'm babysitting!!!

    :lmao: With that menagerie what's one more? :lmao: Are your other dogs boxers too? How are they getting along with their new friend?
  9. CrunchTime

    I stumbled down the street...

    Don't feel bad nitwit. :flowers: Yesterday someone told me I looked like I fell down the ugly tree and that I hit every ugly branch on my way down. :lmao: Not sure what it meant, but I don't take it as a compliment. :lmao:
  10. CrunchTime

    True or False!!!

    False. :lol: The next person will be wearing blue jeans. Also, the next person will be wearing a white t-shirt with their jeans. :popcorn: By the way, you just reminded me I bought a scratch off ticket yesterday and didn't scratch it. Thanks for the reminder.
  11. CrunchTime

    I stumbled down the street...

    :flowers: I hope you feel better. Not sure what it all means. If I was to post a thread with all the weird karma I've gotten, there'd probably be about 75 threads. :lol: Some of it has repeatedly accused me of sleeping with someone's wife. :crazy:
  12. CrunchTime

    Other than getting married again....

    :lmao: You can come over to my house and practice if you like. :lmao: I would try to just follow Mig's advice but it seemed too complex. I think I'll stick with just flopping it over.
  13. CrunchTime

    Other than getting married again....

    :lol: At least he was neat. Alot of guys aren't like that. To me that would be more of an asset than a liability. :yay:
  14. CrunchTime

    Other than getting married again....

    :lol: Yes it would but you need a fitted sheet. Don't you? I'd think it would just slide around all over the place if you used two flat sheets. :confused: