Recent content by Blister

  1. Blister

    Investment - bots

    No AI needed if you know what is going to happen in advance. Nancy Knows
  2. Blister

    Naval Ship 685 docked in Solomons

    Is that the boat that sat at Dennis Point Marina for a year or so?
  3. Blister

    Investment - bots

    I'm going to invest a few bucks in this just for grins. Nancy fund
  4. Blister

    Riding Mower

    I've done the same thing for 5 or 6 years.
  5. Blister

    What's for dinner?

    Chicken, bell pepper, and mushroom Kebabs air fried in the oven. Turned out good, we don't have "air-fryer", but our new oven has an Air-fry mode. All of the recipes that I can find online are for a stand alone air-fryer. It seems like I have to cook at a higher temp. setting for just a bit...
  6. Blister

    What's for dinner?

    You forgot to add the Q+.
  7. Blister

    What's for dinner?

    Excellent ribs, chicken, potato salad, and mac&cheese from JB's BBQ in Newburg. They just reopened for the season, and I've always been happy with their product. They are located at the Newburg Elks Lodge, on Rt. 257.
  8. Blister


    Now I know what I want for breakfast.
  9. Blister


    I was cutting my grass in Northern St. Mary's during the LaPlata, to Benedict, to Calvert tornado in 2002. Never knew anything happened. I have all Warnings, Alerts(Amber, & Silver) turned off. When it's my time, I want to get sucked up like Dorothy and hopefully wake up in Oz.
  10. Blister


    What day is the Liver and Onion feast?
  11. Blister

    Bah 2023 Taxes

    Personally we ended up $13.00 ahead. Tiny refunds from both Feds, and MD. After subtracting software and filing costs I won the $13 lottery.
  12. Blister

    Local asparagus?

    Has anyone seen asparagus at produce stands in St. Mary's yet this year?
  13. Blister

    Key Bridge Collapses

    That may be the answer, I don't know the numbers, but the 95 corridor will be F'd for a long time. How long did it take them to replace the Harry Nice?
  14. Blister

    Key Bridge Collapses

    The best harbor Pilot of all time cannot control a 95,000 ton, near 1000 foot long ship without all systems functioning. Hopefully it was mechanical failure, and nothing more sinister. Would any drawbridge you have ever seen survive that impact?
  15. Blister

    Grits: sweet or savory?

    Butter, salt, pepper, and hot sauce.